Expert Marking Solutions for the Future. Today.
Together We Understand.
With cutting-edge, high-quality products. At Tag Along, we believe that product marking is, at its core, all about communication. We have the industry insight and cutting-edge, high-quality products that help you to communicate the right message, in the right way, to the right customers, at the right time. Whether you are part of a large, multi-national company or a smaller, Nordics-based company, we work closely with you to evaluate your needs. We work with you to envision the perfect marking strategy for your business with the goal of simplifying and improving dialogue between you and your customers.
‘Great product marking leads to better customer relations.’
- Tagalong Team
Together We Transform.
With technology-based marking solutions.
We have the digital marking devices and solutions that transform your products into smart, interactive objects that communicate with your users.
Activate products along the supply chain with sustainability at the forefront.
Products can be activated all along the supply chain. You can prove your products are recycled by incentivising your consumers to scan your products at recycling points.
With sustainability at the forefront, we can help you envision these technology-based marking solutions for your business so that you can transform your business model and position your products for the future.
Together We Know.
Our solutions improve your consumer engagement, inventory management, brand protection, and launch of smart products.
In short, our technology-based solutions help you to transform the very nature of the way you communicate and interact with your customers everyday.
With industry insight and strategic partners.
Tag Along has a solid basis in and understanding of the marking industry. We started out with over 25 years of inner-industry knowledge in co-owner, Charlotte Bindslev. Over time, we have expanded to include our core of strategic supply partners and team of experts.
Together, we make TagAlong A/S the experts at product marking solutions.
High-quality and sustainable products
When you work with us, we ensure that you can execute your marking strategy from the ground-up with products of guaranteed quality. We have a vast selection of tagging, marking, and looping products from leading global suppliers. You can reduce your carbon footprint with these efficient products that use up to 40% less material – saving plastic, but also on shipping. With us tagging along, you have a partner who knows how to make your products future-ready with the latest in digital marking technology.
Ask our experts to devise the perfect marking solution for your business, you’ll find it’s much easier with us tagging along.