Loop Fasteners

Europe’s largest selection of loop fasteners
TagAlong offers Europe’s widest selection of loop fasteners – from exclusive and elegant, to cost-effective and simple. Part of the selection is environmentally friendly and includes loop fasteners made of natural materials like paper, cotton, and hemp.

Avoid hidden costs and problems with your supply chain

Depending on the type of product you are marking, as well as the frequency and volume of your product marking, there are several different solutions that make the process easy and cost efficient – and most importantly help avoid hidden costs and problems in your supply chain.

When to use a loop fastener

If you need to attach information around a product (or just part of it), use a loop fastener and a hang tag to display information and communicate with your customer.

TagAlong String Loop Fasteners

TagAlong offers a new and innovative range of string loop fastener with both one and two-way locks. This product range offers a new, natural and elegant presentation of the tag, while also being easy to apply and cost effective. A more luxurious solution for holding your product tags nicely and safely in place.
Available in various materials, colours, and sizes. Material options include: paper, cotton, and hemp.

Loop Fasteners One-way

TagAlong’s Secur-a-tach style loop fasteners with a one-way lock for inexpensive and practical tagging of products. Selection of colours and sizes available.

Loop Fasteners – Two-ways

TagAlong offers a wide selection of two-way locking fasteners for quick and efficient tagging of hang-tag type products. Available in a variety of colours, natural & standard materials, and sizes:

Loop Fasteners, Heavy Duty

TagAlong offers Secur-a-tie type one-way loop fasteners for tagging products that have a higher security demand. In addition, a range of seals and tie fasteners are offered. These loop fasteners and made of high-tensile strength nylon and is available in a variety of colours and sizes.

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